Renovation of facilities boosts Vietnamese football

HANOI (10 April 2023) – As the VFF (Vietnam Football Federation) concluded the successful hosting of the latest FIFA Forward 3.0 regional workshop last week in Ho Chi Minh City, the host member association could also bask in the glow of another recent success: the renovation of players’ dormitories at the Vietnam Youth Football Training Center.

The Centre is the latest in a series of FIFA Forward projects aimed at improving the Southeast Asian country’s football infrastructures and facilities. Constructed in 2008, the Vietnam Youth Football Training Centre facilities were in serious need of an upgrade.

With strong support from FIFA Forward, the VFF wasted no time embarking on a long-term renovation. Years of effort – via FIFA Forward 1.0 and 2.0 – have paid off with the Vietnam Youth Football Training Centre now boasting modernised equipment and up-to-date facilities.

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